9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024 Punjab Board

9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024 Punjab Board.English Pairing Scheme Class 9 Federal Board is now available for download in PDF form. This scheme provides students with a detailed overview of English exam marks and question distribution. This allows students to understand the distribution of marks for different sections of the paper, such as reading comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. The pairing scheme provides important information about the type of questions asked in the exams, and their weightage, which helps students prioritize their study material and focus their preparation accordingly. By downloading the pairing scheme in PDF form, students will get a handy and easily accessible reference to guide their exam preparation.

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9th Class English Pairing Scheme 2024


Q.1      (a)        Choose the correct verb and fill up the bubble.                                            5 marks

            (b)        Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble                                4 marks

            (c)        Choose the correct meanings of the underlined word and fill up the Bubble.                   5 marks

(d)        Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubble.                    5 marks

SUBJECTIVE PART                      

Q.2      Answer any five of the following questions.                                                   (2 x 5 = 10)

(66% Questions from Exercise 34 % from text)

Q.3      Translate any two of the following paragraphs into Urdu /Re-write into simple English ( From Text Book)                      (4 +4 = 8)

Q.4      Write down the summary of the poem. (From text Book)                                            5


Explain the stanza with reference to the context.

Q.5      Use any five words/Phrases/Idioms in your sentences.                                                5

Q.6      Write a letter or story or dialogue.                                                                                 8

Q.7      Read the passage and answer the questions at the end.                                             (2 x 5= 10)

Q.8      Translate any five sentences into English                                                        5

Q.9      Change the voice.                                                                                            5

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All Punjab Board Subject Wise 10th Class Pairing Scheme 2024 – Welcome all students who are looking for a new smart syllabus, matching plan, and 9th or 10th class pattern combination. All subject matching plans for the SSC Science Group or Art Group are available here. The annual examinations of all Bise committees of the Intermediate and Secondary Education Committee will be held in March/April.

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